A Season of Unraveling: Finding grace in a time of transition
[One from my archives, originally posted on June 5, 2019] While these sentiments were written two years ago, they feel relevant today. As the Western world slowly emerges from the ravages of a global pandemic, life feels tender and raw. Over the course of the past 16 months, we have seen both the very best and the very worst of humanity on display. Society as we knew it has unraveled and, as we take tentative steps back toward each other, I can’t help but think that only grace will carry us through the transition well.
A Season for Everything: Learning to trust when it’s time to let go
Our role as parents doesn’t end when our children reach the age of majority and leave home, but it does change. We remain parents at all ages and stages of our children’s lives, but the transition from “Manager” to “Consultant”—though necessary—isn’t always easy. If you’re currently in a time of transition, may you find some encouragement in these words and the knowledge that you’re not alone.
The Ministry of Tea & a Tissue
I used to think that my calling—my “ministry”—would somehow involve writing. I dreamed that I would pen a book and it would be a best-seller and people would read my words and my story and be moved. That my eloquent sentences would point people to God. I wanted to make an impact and create a legacy that would outlast me. I wanted to write stories that would outlive me. Well, clearly that has not happened. But, the truth is, I do find myself in “ministry”—it just doesn’t look the way I thought it would.
Blank Canvas
What if the empty December calendar was actually a gift—a blank canvas of sorts—instead of one more in a long string of losses at the hands of 2020?